Freyburg – Naumburg
The starting point for this tour is the quaint „Wine City“ of Freyburg. The tour allows you to experience Neuenburg, Freyburg’s castle, and several peaceful vineyards. This wine-producing region is popular for several different types of local wines including Müller-Thurgau, Silvaner and Riesling. Freyburg, in particular is known, for its picturesque vineyards and major sparkling wine producer, Rotkäppchen.
Throughout the tour you will experience 1 “Pass-around Point” for which you will have to exit the river with your canoe, and re-enter a short distance down stream.
The “Steinerne Bilderbuch”, or “Stone Storybook”, is a worthwhile resting place in the village of Großjena. It was created by villagers in 1722, and depicts red sandstone carvings of “wine-themed” scenes from the Bible.
Further down the Unstrut flows into the Saale, creating a striking scene.
Finally, the city of Naumburg will appear on the right side of the river, with its famous cathedral and Wenzel-Church, designed in the late gothic style. Here the Saale spreads into a wide riverbed as it continues its journey through the Saale River Valley.
At our station in Naumburg-Henne the tour ends; however, feel free to explore the quintessential German city of Naumburg and it’s picturesque architecture.